March 2001 March 3rd, 2001 / Saturday / 1:00 PM Ordered some new test kits that came today: Iodide (from SeaChem), Strontium, Magnesium, and Silicate (from Salifert). The calcium reading of 400 ppm that my Red Sea test generated is in my opinion questionable. Salifert read 350 and I believe it to be a much higher quality (i.e. more accurate) test. I am starting to slowly dose higher levels of Reef Calcium and Reef Complete in order to get calcium up to 450-500 ppm. March 6th, 2001 / Tuesday / 1:00 PM Ordered fish over the Internet for the first time from J&B's Marine Propagations. They sent me two fish, one of which died (a juvenile Atlantic Blue tang). The one that made it was:
March 7th, 2001 / Wednesday / 10:00 AM Received Garf order today. It included 1 lb of Garf Grunge, 2 frags of red Sinularia soft coral, and 1 piece of live rock with LeRoy's own brood stock of Zoanthus polyps from the islands of Palau. March 11th, 2001 / Sunday / 5:00 PM Received a Rose bubble tip anenome from a friend, Entacmae quadricolor. I was not able to keep my previous Sebae anenome around for long, however it is my thinking that the water conditions are more stable and I will keep the powerheads off until it settles. They are able to move quickly around the tank. March 15th, 2001 / Thursday / 9:00 PM I finally removed the medium-sized Scleronephthya that I received in December from Jeff's Exotic Fish. Ever since the buffer problem I had in January, it did not look good. It would not fully open, looked saggy throughout the day and most of the night, and was shrinking in size. I will watch the other Sclero (added after buffer problem resolved) to see how it does. On a positive note, coralline algae continues to grow on the back piece of glass, all over the powerheads and cords, as well as on the rock.